Wednesday, 5 June 2013



“The day was hot again, as it always was.” The Seal thought. Even the ice was melting, as she could see frills of transparent flames soaring from scorched bergs. “What has angered Helios so, that makes his rays seeking to parch my skin? It has also made these fishes forsake basking and denying me a meal, leaving me at the mercy of the gastric-juice threatening to spew itself into my cavity,” still thinking, “I need to stop this growl in my stomach, if my brawns can’t get me a meal, I would have to resort to my ingenuity before the moon calls.” With this thought she dived into the spangled blue sea.

Moments later she came upon a large rock buried deep in the ocean floor, projecting just a little of its boisterousness, which looked like a tombstone covered with seaweed, corals, and moss, giving it an eerie appearance.  There, in one of the crevice she ogled an ebullient but alert Salmon.

“Hello my good friend,” the Seal politely said, “it’s nice to see you on such a pleasant day. Please come out so that we can talk.”

The Salmon was naturally afraid and suspicious, and replied, “I dare not, for there are fishes who would want me for lunch.

“You mean you haven’t heard the news?” the Seal said excitedly. “All the animals have agreed to live together in peace. Nobody will hurt you now.”

Salmon wanted to believe this, but was afraid such a startling development could take place without his knowledge. He looked past the Seal into the shimmering horizon, and then turned back, looking at the crevice other opening, and started to swim away.

The Seal noticed the salmon’s stroppy action and asked, what’s so interesting that you’re ignoring me?
“A white-Shark is at the other side of this refuge, I now think he wanted to tell me the good news but I was too afraid to hear him out.  I want to tell him to come over, or why don’t you come around let’s further discuss the development?”

The Seal froze for a second, “Please excuse me” she said rather anxiously, “but I need to attend to something rather urgent on land.”

The Salmon replied, “Please don’t go! I can go and fetch him, so that we can discuss about this delightful news."

“It might just be possible,” the seal said as she slinked away in fear, “that the news hasn’t reached underwater yet.”

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