Tuesday, 24 September 2013


I am in love with my bed, but this damn alarm clock wouldn't let me be. It keeps ringing down my ear drums, ”nini-nini-nini-nini,” like that damn stupid cricket chirping away at the back of my closet last night. I wish I could get the two of them together to spark off a contest and create the most annoying sound in the world. But I got to move, like I have always done since I was a miniature tadpole, moving along with a million others to reach that centripetal force which drew me in and walled out the others. I wonder what happened to the rest.
Movement has always been synonymous with all living things from the creation of the world or since the big bang; to acknowledge those of you who are evolutionists. All has been movement ever since, the Holy Book tells us…..the Spirit of God was hovering (moving) over the face of the waters….and the rest was history. The evolutionary folktale and countless others also communicates same, while the evolutionists believes that there was a spark caused by indiscriminate movement of gases, which evolved (I would say metamorphosed) into the basic unit of life, others such as the Buddhists, Zionists, Greek Mythologists etc. can’t deny there isn't a movement somewhere in their history. This makes me see reason why Isaac Newton in his third law of motion states that an object experiences a force because it is interacting with some other object. So in all scenarios there was a movement.
 Well I was still lying in my sheets in a state of inertia, with the alarm now blaring in my skull, I reminded myself that I got to move, not because I want to but I had to, because of the external forces which I have thrust upon myself and which have been stabbed upon me by others consciously and semi-unconsciously.  These forces have put the pace, purpose, and value of my life on regulation mood. From wanting to get work and/or getting to work early, to having to cook up a hell of a story after entering my name below the red line,these forces are choking me by the jugular. Food which can’t be negotiated with any other thing is also one of the forces which has to keep me moving, so if I don’t work how am I supposed to maintain the exquisite lifestyle of having three square meals daily which is another prerequisite required for movement. Next, I need to groom myself; take out the excess, repulsive hairs of the head, armpit, nose, (legs and arms for some ladies) and the “other” area, and all these re-moving require money, which the work provides. This thought makes me want to curse that neo-Neanderthal freak who thought cutting hairs was fashionable. What makes him think we can’t groom our hairs like dogs do? We could just lick each other (especially if you have a spouse, lover, or “friend”) to give you that needed "shiny-silvery-salivary" look. Although, I have to say, baldies would still have the upper hand, which is why I don’t see the reason why that neo-Neanderthal freak introduced haircuts.
With that annoying thought reverberating in my head, I moved out of the bed into the shower to have a quick bath which is also another over-exaggerated chore. I dressed up in one of my sleek Armani suits, with a crisp black shirt to go with it without any ties, but a matching black leather shoe, sprayed in the air a cool Black XXS cologne, and moved into its tiny droplets as they cascaded down the empty space of my swimming pool size bedroom. That done, I moved into the garage flung open its doors and slowly backed out my sleek BMW X6 AWD out the drive way into the tar paved streets. Next stop; work. (Oh, how I wish life was this cute)........To be continued

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